

Brand Logo Design Transforms Your Automotive Shop

The public perception of a brand has the power to bring in—or repel new clients. You might be a modest person. The way you dress may meet common expectations, and that’s as far as you take it. Creating “an image of your business,” however, requires you to take things a bit further. Even if a design is simple, clean and sleek, putting time and thought into it is necessary. Your brand logo design can tell us a million things within a split second.

We must reveal “who” your brand is. You don’t need to personify your business, but you do want to know what your company stands for. Google tells us that readers only need a second to choose. One look, one thought, and one feeling are all it takes. This means that the right auto shop logo design can build trust within customers.

Why you need branding in the Automotive Business

Today, we live in a world of time constraints. Your best customer, even if they’re loyal to you, doesn’t want to waste their time. Let’s take a look at why automotive branding is now more relevant than ever:

  • Differentiate Yourself:
    Do you like making noise? Some brands scream their message when embodying the persona of their product or service. We can use differentiation as a secret ingredient. It allows us to immediately tell others why you stand out.
  • Build Your Relationships:
    Some businesses fail to realize how intimate a brand logo design can be. Passing in and out of the consumer’s life is necessary, but the effects are as if your brand is getting to know them. They will surely get to know your logo. “Nurturing” is something we achieve online; it enables us to slowly enter the buyer’s life and before they choose a different service.
  • Set Your Expectations:
    We sometimes have to tell our leads why something is good or bad for them. In many cases, they simply don’t know. Allow us to set the bar and to tell your customers about the expectations we have for them. The last situation that you want to be in is within a place of need. When we reveal why they need you, the tables will turn fast.

Branding in 2019

The future for Online Marketing and Branding looks bright. Although most things will remain similar, there are several things to keep in mind about the future of Marketing:

  • Online Marketing and Sales: Roughly 51 percent of all online sales will be generated from mobile e-commerce in 2020.
  • Slow Images: Images that don’t load—account for 40 percent of your page bounces. “Page bounces” are when people leave a webpage.
  • Color: Color is expected to directly influence your leads up to 80 percent of the time.
  • Per Dollar: The money that’s spent on content marketing receives three-times-more leads than paid advertising will generate. People still love to hear fresh, new messages from popular brands.
  • Landing Pages: Close to 220-percent-more leads are generated with “above-the-fold” branding. A fold is considered “the first thing” that anyone sees after arriving on a webpage.

ZeroBull Marketing is your solution

Some shops don’t even exist online; others are there but can’t be found. Where does your website fall within the space of online branding? Once your brand is seen as a living novelty, that’s when we are satisfied. There are Automotive Shops in your region right now, and some have a stronghold on your public market. Getting your brands message out there can bring in great quality leads if it’s done right.

We know how to target the right customers, compete with other local businesses, create cost-effective campaigns, and more.

Call us today at 512-387-9393 or visit us online to learn more about how we can help and get a consultation for your auto business.

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5540 N Lamar Blvd, #39 Austin, TX 78751